Top 20 best of Train songs

Train, the American rock band, has captivated audiences with their infectious melodies and relatable lyrics for over two decades. Their journey began in the late 90s, blending elements of pop, rock, and folk to create a distinctive sound that resonated with listeners worldwide. From their breakthrough hit, which made everyone want to shout "Hey," to their inspiring anthem about the power of love on the open road, Train has consistently delivered music that touches the heart and gets you moving. Their ability to weave together catchy hooks with heartfelt narratives has solidified their place as a beloved band for generations. This list aims to celebrate Train's remarkable musical legacy and introduce their diverse catalog to new audiences.

Train's music is a testament to their versatility, effortlessly transitioning from upbeat anthems perfect for summer road trips to poignant ballads that evoke deep emotion. Each song tells a story, whether it's the joy of sharing a special moment with someone you love or the bittersweet feeling of letting go. Their musical journey has been marked by numerous awards and chart-topping successes, but ultimately, it's the connection they forge with their listeners that truly defines their impact. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer, this list offers a chance to delve into Train's incredible catalog and discover the timeless appeal that has made them one of the most beloved bands of our time.

Top 20 best of Train songs
1. Hey, Soul Sister Save Me, San Francisco (Golden Gate Edition) n/a 371M+
2. Drive By California 37 n/a 199M+
3. Shake Up Christmas Save Me, San Francisco (Golden Gate Edition) n/a 116M+
4. Drops of Jupiter n/a 329M+
5. Marry Me n/a 78M+
6. Meet Virginia n/a 17M+
7. 50 Ways to Say Goodbye n/a 60M+

1. Hey, Soul Sister (Train)

“ Hey, soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo? ”
Hey, Soul Sister - Train

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AlbumSave Me, San Francisco (Golden Gate Edition)Listen on Spotify
  • Pop
  • Country
  • Acoustic Guitar
  • Pop ballad
  • Indie Pop

"Hey, Soul Sister" by Train is an instant earworm, instantly transporting listeners back to the carefree days of the late 2000s. The song's title, while not explicitly referencing trains, evokes a sense of journeying and connection, a feeling amplified by the lyrics that speak of finding a kindred spirit, a "soul sister," who shares a deep connection. The upbeat tempo, driven by a catchy ukulele melody, creates a sense of carefree optimism, reminiscent of riding on a train with the wind in your hair and the world rushing by.

The song's enduring popularity stems from its ability to evoke a powerful sense of nostalgia. Its vibrant melody and lyrics about finding a special connection, a "soul sister," spark memories of youthful days filled with excitement and optimism. While the lyrics might not explicitly mention trains, the song's infectious energy and sense of discovery echo the feeling of embarking on a journey, a journey that can be both exhilarating and sentimental, much like a train ride through familiar landscapes.

2. Drive By (California 37)

“ On the other side of a street I knew
Stood a girl that looked like you ”
Drive By - Train

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AlbumCalifornia 37Listen on Spotify
  • Love song
  • Catchy melody
  • Acoustic Guitar
  • Pop rock
  • Rock Ballad

Released in 2012 as the lead single from Train's album California 37, "Drive By" is a catchy pop-rock tune that departs from the band's typical melancholic themes. The song's title, "Drive By" initially seems like a fleeting moment, but it's cleverly used as a metaphor for a chance encounter that the singer desperately hopes will blossom into something more.

The song's connection to trains is subtle but potent. While not directly mentioned, the song's theme of unexpected encounters and the feeling of being swept away by a sudden rush of emotions evokes the sense of fleeting adventure associated with train travel. The lyrics, "On the other side of a street I knew, stood a girl that looked like you," paint a picture of a chance encounter, much like how people might meet on a train journey. The music's upbeat tempo and layered instrumentation create a sense of movement and momentum, further contributing to the feeling of a journey. "Drive By" is a celebration of unexpected romance, leaving listeners with a sense of hope and optimism, much like the anticipation of a train journey.

3. Shake Up Christmas

Shake Up Christmas - Train

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AlbumSave Me, San Francisco (Golden Gate Edition)Listen on Spotify

While Train's "Shake Up Christmas" might not immediately spring to mind as a song about trains, its connection is subtle yet powerful. Unlike the whimsical train journeys of "The Polar Express" or the nostalgic melancholia of "Auld Lang Syne," "Shake Up Christmas" embodies a vibrant, hopeful energy associated with the festive season. This energy is directly linked to the feeling of travel, of embarking on a journey, which trains so often symbolize.

The song's lyrics paint a picture of anticipation and excitement, mirroring the emotions that surge when one prepares for a holiday journey. The lyrics "We're gonna shake up Christmas" are a powerful declaration of intent, a call to embrace the joy and spirit of the holiday season. The driving rhythm and catchy melody amplify this sense of movement, evoking the anticipation of arriving at a destination - a gathering with loved ones, the unwrapping of gifts, the magic of a shared Christmas experience. In essence, "Shake Up Christmas" doesn't just celebrate the holiday, it celebrates the journey, the anticipation, and the shared moments that make the season so special.

4. Drops of Jupiter

“ Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair ”
Drops of Jupiter - Train

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Have you ever listened to a melody where every note resonates with your heart? "Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)" by Train is exactly that kind of song. While the title might not immediately conjure up images of trains, the song's essence is deeply rooted in the feeling of embarking on a journey – a journey both literal and metaphorical. The song's opening line, "I was driving down a dusty road," instantly sets the scene, transporting the listener into a landscape of open spaces and endless possibility, much like a train journey across vast landscapes.

Beyond the initial imagery, the song's emotional core evokes a sense of longing and yearning for something beyond the ordinary, a feeling often associated with train travel. The lyrics, "The stars were shining, it was a beautiful night, I was thinking 'bout you," speak of a longing for connection, for a destination that lies beyond the horizon. This is amplified by the song's soaring melody and orchestral arrangements, culminating in a powerful and moving climax that resonates with both personal and universal experiences. "Drops of Jupiter" is a song that transcends its literal train references, instead capturing the feeling of a journey itself – a journey of exploration, discovery, and the pursuit of something greater.

5. Marry Me (Train)

Marry Me - Train

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"Marry Me" a standout track from Train's acclaimed album "Save Me, San Francisco," is a testament to the band's ability to craft emotionally resonant songs. While the song may not explicitly mention trains, the title itself evokes a sense of journey and destination, a theme that resonates with the very essence of train travel.

The song's lyrical content further reinforces this connection. The lyrics, "I'm taking you home with me," imply a sense of belonging and comfort, as if reaching a final destination after a long train journey. The melody's gentle sway, punctuated by soaring vocals, creates an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement, mirroring the emotions one might feel embarking on a train adventure. The song's overarching theme of love and commitment further strengthens this analogy, as love itself is a journey, a commitment to shared destinations. "Marry Me" is a song that captures the essence of a love story that spans both physical and emotional journeys, leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

6. Meet Virginia

Meet Virginia - Train

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"Meet Virginia" by Train is a captivating track that embodies the romantic spirit of travel, subtly weaving the theme of trains throughout its lyrics and melody. The song's title alone evokes a sense of adventure and anticipation, suggesting a journey to an unknown destination. The lyrics paint a picture of a captivating woman, "wears high heels when she exercises," a detail that subtly hints at a free-spirited personality, ready to embrace life's adventures. This image, coupled with the overall upbeat tempo and melodically driven instrumentation, creates an irresistible feeling of joyful anticipation, mirroring the excitement of a train journey.

This sense of adventure is further amplified by the song's use of imagery, evoking a sense of motion and open spaces. The lyrics "rolling down the windows, all the way to the ocean" paint a vivid picture of a road trip, emphasizing the feeling of freedom and escapism often associated with train travel. "Meet Virginia" stands out not only for its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics but also for its ability to transport listeners to a world of carefree exploration and romantic yearning, leaving a lasting impression long after the last note fades.

7. 50 Ways to Say Goodbye

50 Ways to Say Goodbye - Train

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In a world often dominated by upbeat electronic tracks, "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" by Train emerges as a refreshing breath of acoustic pop rock. While not explicitly about trains in the traditional sense, the song evokes a powerful feeling of journey and bittersweet farewell, much like the experience of watching a train disappear into the horizon. The lyrical imagery of "driving on the highway, looking out the window" creates a sense of motion and distance, while the repeated phrase "50 ways to say goodbye" suggests a profound sense of finality and loss.

The song's acoustic instrumentation, with its prominent guitar and soft percussion, contributes to this melancholic atmosphere. It's a song that speaks to the quiet moments of reflection, the longing for what was, and the bittersweet acceptance of moving on. The song's title itself, "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" carries a poignant weight, suggesting the myriad ways in which we say farewell to people, places, and chapters of our lives. This combination of lyrical imagery, musical elements, and thematic resonance makes "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" a powerful and relatable exploration of the bittersweet nature of goodbyes, much like the fleeting nature of a train's departure.

8. Calling All Angels

Calling All Angels - Train

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"Calling All Angels" by Train, with its gentle acoustic guitar and soaring vocals, invites listeners on a journey of hope and resilience. While the song doesn't directly mention trains, the lyrics paint a picture of a journey, a metaphorical train ride through life's challenges. The recurring phrase "calling all angels" evokes a sense of seeking guidance and support, much like passengers looking out the windows of a train, seeking solace in the scenery as they navigate their path.

The song's emotional impact resonates deeply with listeners. The lyrics, filled with messages of strength and perseverance, offer a powerful sense of comfort and hope, particularly during times of hardship. The comments from listeners reveal a song that provides solace in grief, strength in illness, and encouragement to overcome life's obstacles. It’s a testament to the song's ability to transcend personal struggles, connecting with a universal desire for hope and the belief that better days are on the horizon. "Calling All Angels" serves as a reminder that even amidst the darkest moments, we are not alone, and there is always a reason to keep moving forward.

9. Angel in Blue Jeans

Angel in Blue Jeans - Train

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"Angel in Blue Jeans" by Train, while not explicitly about trains in a literal sense, carries a potent emotional resonance deeply tied to the imagery and feeling of rail travel. The song's opening lines, "This train's heading out of here/You're lookin' fine, my angel in blue jeans," set the stage for a journey both physical and metaphorical. This train is a vessel for escape, for leaving behind the ordinary and embracing the unknown. The music itself, with its soaring melodies and driving rhythm, mimics the feeling of speeding down a track, leaving worries and anxieties behind.

The song's lyrics evoke a sense of freedom and adventure, painting a picture of a chance encounter with a captivating individual on this metaphorical train ride. The "angel in blue jeans" represents the allure of the unknown, the excitement of the unexpected, and the possibility of a life-altering connection. By drawing on this evocative imagery of train travel, "Angel in Blue Jeans" transcends a simple love song and becomes a powerful anthem for embracing the journey of life, regardless of where it may lead.

10. Bruises

“ These bruises make for better conversation
Loses the vibe that separates ”
Bruises - Train,Ashley Monroe

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Train, a band renowned for its infectious melodies and heartfelt lyrics, delves into a poignant tale of friendship and shared experiences in their collaboration with country singer Ashley Monroe on "Bruises" The song, featuring a title that hints at the enduring marks of life's journey, weaves a tapestry of nostalgia and emotional depth through its lyrical imagery. The lyrics, "We've both been down this road before," and "We've both got scars, we've both got bruises," paint a picture of two individuals who have traveled similar paths, bearing the scars of life's challenges.

While the song doesn't explicitly mention trains, the journey metaphor, often associated with trains, is intrinsic to its narrative. "Bruises" is a song about the road we travel, the experiences we gather, and the shared understanding that comes with knowing another's struggles. It evokes a sense of nostalgia and perhaps a bittersweetness as we reflect on past hurts and triumphs, acknowledging that even in our differences, we are ultimately connected by the human experience.

11. Save Me, San Francisco (Train)

Save Me, San Francisco - Train

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If you're searching for a Train song that captures the essence of both adventure and nostalgia, look no further than "Save Me, San Francisco" This track, named after the iconic city, doesn't simply mention trains – it weaves them into the very fabric of its narrative. The song's lyrics paint a vivid picture of a journey, one where the train becomes a symbol of escape and freedom. The lines "Save me, San Francisco, take me back to where I belong" evoke a longing for a place that feels like home, a place where the train becomes a vehicle for finding solace.

The music itself mirrors this feeling of yearning. The song's melody, with its soaring vocals and driving rhythm, creates a sense of forward momentum, like the train rushing toward its destination. "Save Me, San Francisco" isn't just a song about a city; it's an anthem for anyone who's ever felt the allure of the open road and the promise of new beginnings – a feeling that is intrinsically linked to the very notion of train travel.

12. Play That Song

Play That Song - Train

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"Play That Song" by Train, while not explicitly about trains in its lyrics, evokes a distinct train-like journey through its melodic structure and emotional resonance. The song's use of the classic "Heart and Soul" melody provides a familiar and comforting foundation, akin to the steady rhythm of a train chugging along a well-worn track. This familiarity is further enhanced by the repeating refrain, "Hey Mr. DJ," reminiscent of a train conductor's call to attention, beckoning listeners to join the ride.

The song's overall atmosphere is one of nostalgic longing, evoking memories of past adventures and a yearning for connection. The lyrics paint a picture of a lost love and the desire to rekindle the flame, mirroring the feeling of a train leaving a familiar station, carrying hopes and dreams for the unknown. The music swells and dips, mirroring the journey's highs and lows, leaving a bittersweet aftertaste that lingers long after the final note fades.

13. If It's Love (Train)

If It's Love - Train

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Train's "If It's Love" is a heartfelt ballad that, while not explicitly about trains, carries a sense of journey and connection, reminiscent of a long train ride. While the song's title and lyrics don't directly reference trains, the overall sentiment evokes a sense of traveling together, building a shared history, and finding solace in the comfort of companionship. This feeling of camaraderie, much like a train journey, is underscored by the song's gentle melody and Pat Monahan's warm, inviting vocals, creating a cozy atmosphere perfect for reflection and reminiscing.

The song's lyrics paint a picture of a journey through time, with lines like "We've been riding on this train, for so long, and we're still here together." This imagery of shared experiences on a "train" creates a sense of lasting connection and unwavering love, much like the enduring bond formed between passengers during a long train journey. This message of commitment and support resonates with fans, making "If It's Love" a powerful testament to the enduring strength of love and friendship.

14. When I Look to the Sky

When I Look to the Sky - Train

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"When I Look to the Sky" by Train is a captivating track that evokes a sense of wistful longing and the yearning for freedom. While not explicitly mentioning trains in its lyrics, the song's title and overall atmosphere create a powerful connection to the imagery of travel and journeys. The song's opening lines, "When I look to the sky / It's all I see / And all I need / To set me free," immediately paint a picture of escape and a desire to break free from earthly constraints, a theme that resonates deeply with the romanticism associated with train travel.

The song's instrumentation, featuring a blend of acoustic guitar and soaring vocals, further amplifies the sense of boundless adventure. The melody is reminiscent of a train's rhythmic pulse, propelling listeners forward on an emotional journey. "When I Look to the Sky" captures the essence of train travel – a journey towards something new, a sense of unbridled optimism, and a longing for the unknown.

15. Cab

Cab - Train

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In the world of rock music, Train's "Cab" stands as a poignant and heartfelt ballad that transports listeners to a realm of melancholy and solitude. The song's title, "Cab" immediately evokes images of a solitary vehicle navigating the bustling streets of a city, much like the emotional journey the lyrics explore. This connection is further emphasized by the lyrical imagery of "the only cab in Manhattan," a metaphor for the isolation and longing felt by the protagonist.

The musical backdrop of "Cab" is characterized by a melancholic piano melody and a driving rhythm section, creating a sense of both introspection and forward movement. The lyrics paint a picture of a broken heart seeking solace and understanding, reminiscent of the journey of a train traveling through different landscapes, encountering both beauty and loneliness along the way. The song's emotional depth resonates with those who have experienced heartache and the yearning for connection, solidifying "Cab" as a timeless ballad within Train's diverse discography.

16. Bulletproof Picasso

Bulletproof Picasso - Train

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"Bulletproof Picasso" by Train is more than just a song; it's a sonic journey that evokes a sense of both wistful nostalgia and exhilarating freedom. While not explicitly about trains, the song's lyrical imagery and musical structure conjure up a powerful connection to these iconic modes of transportation. The title itself alludes to the train's journey, "Bulletproof Picasso" suggesting a sleek and powerful force moving through time and space.

The song's driving beat and soaring vocals create a sense of movement and forward momentum, akin to the rush of wind experienced on a speeding train. Lyrics like "Just take the train, there's a light inside," evoke a sense of hope and optimism, encouraging the listener to embark on their own journey of self-discovery. The song's ending, with its crescendo of emotion and the repeated refrain of "Bulletproof Picasso" leaves a lasting impression, a reminder that even in the face of challenges, there is always a way forward, a journey to be taken.

17. Give It All (Train)

Give It All - Train

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Have you ever listened to a melody where every note resonates with your heart? 'Give It All' by Train is exactly that kind of song, carrying within it the powerful emotions of yearning, hope, and a touch of melancholy. This song, although not explicitly about trains in its lyrics, embodies the very essence of a train journey. It speaks of a desire to leave behind the known, to embark on a journey of self-discovery, and to embrace the unknown with open arms.

"Give It All" evokes a sense of unbridled freedom, reminiscent of the feeling of being on a train speeding towards a new horizon. The song's driving rhythm, punctuated by soaring guitar riffs and Pat Monahan's signature vocals, creates a sense of forward momentum. Lyrics like "I'm gonna give it all, gonna leave it all behind, I'm gonna give it all, I'm gonna find a better way to be" paint a vivid picture of a soul seeking a fresh start, a journey that echoes the timeless symbolism of train travel.

18. Ordinary

Ordinary - Train

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"Ordinary" Train's infectious anthem from the 2004 "Spider-Man 2" soundtrack, captures a universal feeling of longing for something extraordinary, a sentiment often linked to the freedom and adventure associated with train travel. The song's energy, fueled by driving guitars and a soaring chorus, mirrors the relentless momentum of a train speeding towards its destination, a journey that represents escaping the mundane and embracing the unknown.

The lyrics, "I see the world through the window pane, I'm looking for something that's different, something more," perfectly encapsulate this yearning for something beyond the ordinary. The image of a passenger gazing out the train window, their gaze fixed on the fleeting landscape, symbolizes the pursuit of a life less ordinary. This feeling of restlessness, of wanting to break free from the everyday, is a core theme of the song and resonates with anyone who's ever felt a flicker of dissatisfaction with their current reality, wishing for a change, a new adventure, a new journey.

19. Get to Me

Get to Me - Train

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"Get to Me" by Train, is a catchy rock track that cleverly utilizes the theme of travel, but unlike a sprawling epic like "Born to Run" by Bruce Springsteen, it focuses on a more personal journey. The song's title itself, "Get to Me" alludes to the act of reaching a destination, both physically and emotionally. While Train has other songs with clear references to railroads, like "Drops of Jupiter," "Get to Me" uses the train metaphor more subtly.

The lyrics, "Catch a train, I'm leaving here tonight," paint a picture of escape and liberation, hinting at a desire to break free from the confines of routine. The driving rhythm and uplifting melodies evoke a sense of hope and anticipation, capturing the feeling of embarking on a new adventure. "Get to Me" is a song that transports listeners to a place of personal revelation, where the train becomes a symbol of moving forward, leaving behind the past and embracing the unknown.

20. Hopeless

Hopeless - Train

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With its gentle acoustic guitar and Pat Monahan's warm, soulful vocals, "Hopeless" by Train evokes a melancholic yet hopeful atmosphere. Though the song's title might suggest a feeling of despair, the lyrics actually delve into the bittersweet nature of change and the uncertainties that come with navigating personal growth. The song's connection to trains is subtle but powerful, reflecting a journey of transition and letting go.

The lyrics paint a picture of a traveler on a train, leaving behind a familiar life and embracing the unknown. Phrases like "I can't seem to stay in one place for too long" and "headed on a road that I don't know" capture the essence of this journey. The train becomes a symbol of both escape and the inevitability of moving forward, leaving behind the past and accepting the possibilities that lie ahead. This poignant connection to the train further amplifies the song's emotional resonance, making it a truly captivating and relatable anthem for anyone who has ever felt the pull of change.